Design: "Elephant Elephants" unique print pattern
I drew this design by hand incorporating elephant silhouettes and paisley forms. I added texture to the elephant shapes so that they are not solid; so that when I screen-print the design an interesting dot texture is created. I also created the paisley pattern using dots, small outlined forms and curved lines of different thicknesses.
This elephant design is my second most popular design after my rat design. The black and white cotton elephant cushion hand-made from my unique screen printed fabric is a best seller. I have also created small clasp bags and zip bags using the design.
I have included pictures of the design on fabric, paper and also photos in the print room to give you a impression of the printing process. One of the pics shows several colour combinations using 2 or 3 colours in each variation. Cathryn Eardley created these colour schemes and I have printed them out on paper and taken them to the print room so that I can accurately mix the correct ink colours to print on fabric.
On 5th January 2016 I was extremely pleased to receive a compliment on Twitter from Professor Birute Mary Galdikas, anthropologist, primatologist and conservationist. We had a brief conversation that was very pleasant. She is the president and founder of the Orangutan Foundation International. She was very complimentary about my elephant design (the pictured version below which has blue elephants, raspberry-coloured paisley and grey background). She wrote: "Design & colours worked perfectly together! Quite stunning actually." I have included a screenshot of her twitter comment in the images below.
In April 2017 an entrepreneur in New York contacted me to request permission to use a selection of my designs for the launch of her Eco-friendly dancewear brand. I have agreed to her offer and am looking forward to seeing my print designs on garments , including my paisley elephants, in US stores in 2017.
This design is available in different colors from my online fabric store at Spoonflower.com. You can choose to have it printed on more than 20 different fabrics and also as wallpaper or gift wrap.
In November 2017 a New York fashion accessories designer Lisa DuFour Wilkinson designed a wonderful new shoulder bag. She chose Paisley Power's elephant fabric to make the bag, in addition to the other fabrics required to make the bag. They all complimented each other perfectly. Make sure you take a look at her other imaginative bag creations. They are truly exceptional. Here is her Instagram page.
In 2018 I made a new improved version of the white elephants on black background. I was very happy with the new version and made new cushions with newly printed fabric. The cushions were displayed in the The Beecroft Art Gallery in Southend for several years. Visitors to the art gallery were able to buy the cushions.